Bitcoin Designathon, 2022

Transcend - Bitcoin Inheritance

Transcend is a concept for a mobile first, collaborative inheritance solution for Bitcoin that is easy to use, even if the heirs are not familiar with Bitcoin. The project won first place at the Bitcoin Designathon in 2022.
Legends of Lightning finalist, 2022

AgriMint: Bitcoin Micro-Banking

Incubated as part of the Legends of Lighting tournament, AgriMint provides a self-sovereign approach to micro-banking for  communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, based on an accessible and compliant with their traditions employing a combination of cheap hardware wallets, FediMint, Lightning, USSD for access without internet and USD stablesats.
Carma project, 2022 - 2023

Heartbeats - Realtime Fleet Monitoring

Heartbeats is a map-based tool used by Carma admins for monitoring our fleet of Safety Ambassadors as well as affiliate drivers. It allows admins to view different data layers, like total scans, notified vehicles or notifiable vehicles (called gems) in a visual way, along with important business metrics.
Carma project, 2022-2023

Safety Recall Management System

The Carma Core Engine is the main tool with which Carma's safety recall business is managed. It is used to define actions that should be taken when vehicles are scanned that match specific criteria. It is also the place where we build the safety notices that are being printed and where we define the priority rule of the various safety recalls.
BROADCOM, SEP 2019 - JAN 2022

Mainframe Output Management

During my time at Broadcom Inc., I was the lead designer for CA OM Web Viewer. Used by a wide range of expert and non-expert users, Web Viewer is a web application for viewing of reports and related documents that are generated by  mainframe environments. These documents range from simple PDFs to large text reports spanning millions of lines.
Elea labs, 2017-2018

Real Estate Property DNA

Property DNA was an experimental blockchain based software application with the goal to create a unique, organically evolving digital identity for real estate properties. The goal was to help owners  manage their building holistically und more effectively.
elea labs, 2018

Elea Mobile Wallet

At Elea Labs, we worked on a mobile cryptocurrency wallet which would allow users to easily exchange digital assets peer-to-peer, needing nothing more than a smartphone.
Swisscom Blockchain, 2019

Cryptoassets Exchange

A turnkey solution for professional traders and managers of large institutions who were looking for a professional, efficient and secure way to trade crypto assets.
Swisscom, 2015-2017

Order Handling Systems Redesign

Redesign of Swisscom's multichannel order handling system for broadband services and products, which are used by customers as well as sales staff and support agents.
Read the short story
Swisscom, 2016-2017

inOne Digital Experience

When Swisscom introduced their new inOne tariffs in early 2017, we needed to redesign the internal processes and customer user experiences involved in learning about, configuring, ordering and supporting the new products in a matter of a few months.
reamis, 2017-2018

Real Estate Portfolio Management System

Redesign of a web application used by institutional customers to manage large real estate portfolios, typically between CHF 200 million and 2 billion in size.
Swisscom Blockchain, 2019

Tokenization Engine

In the wake of the ICO boom, Swisscom Blockchain worked on a turnkey solution of services and technical solutions for managing and executing token sale projects.

More Projects

Carma project, 2022-2023

Safety Recall Management System

The Carma Core Engine is the main tool with which Carma's safety recall business is managed. It is used to define actions that should be taken when vehicles are scanned that match specific criteria. It is also the place where we build the safety notices that are being printed and where we define the priority rule of the various safety recalls.
broadcom, 2021

Infrastructure Topology

"Topology" is a web application that scans the customer's mainframe environment and presents it visually as an interactive graph that shows hierarchy as well as connections between components in their  infrastructure. This helps customers better understand their environment and save valuable time during problem analysis.
broadcom, 2020-2021

Mainframe Signature Experience

I'm currently on the core team responsible for delivering the Mainframe Signature Experience design system for Broadcom's Mainframe Software Division. I'm taking a leading role in the creation of the Figma component library.
Swisscom, 2016

Address Management Systems

In this project, we designed and built a new system to consolidate the legacy address management system which was causing significant process overhead.
mettler toledo, 2015

Pipette Calibration Software

In this project for Mettler Toledo, we redesigned the processes and software for  pipette calibration systems used by laboratories and industrial service companies.
zcash foundation, 2018

Zcash iOS Wallet

As part of a contract project for the Zcash Foundation, I designed the concept for the official ZEC iOS wallet.